
Here's our Standard Order prices. Below that, read about how to estimate the number of photos you have. Or if you already know for sure, check out our Custom Orders for a personalised price. 

Quantity Price
100 €99
4,000+ Request a quote
  • Standard Orders

    *Most popular choice*

    You've seen our standard order pricing listed above. If you're thinking you're not sure how many photos you have to make it easier for you to get a sense of order size, we've adopted the comparisons to well known household items. These measurements are estimated with 6"x4" sized photos. Here's the breakdown: 

    Regular Shoebox: Typically holds around 1,000 photos.
    Large ice cream tub: Equivalent to approximately 500 photos.
    VCR Tape Box: Fits about 100 photos (nostalgic throwback!).
    A5 Padded Envelope: Perfect for around 50 photos.

    Tip: Our boxes are normally a little bigger than the photo quantity you ordered for.

  • Custom Orders

    Looking for something outside the box? Our personalised service is ideal if you have a specific number in mind that doesn't quite align with our standard order pricing. It's perfect if you know you have, say, 729 photos and you'd like a price to match.

    Email with the number of photos you have and we'll send you a custom built order link to our easy online checkout, tailored especially for you.

    Everything else is the same, the only difference is your tailored price.

We sweat the details, for you.

We want to ensure fairness and accuracy in your order, so when we're scanning and find your total photo count deviates more than 15% from the total you've paid for, we'll reach out to collaborate on the best way forward for both parties.

We'll reach out to you to confirm, before we scan the remainder — you're always in control.